Sep 30, 2008

how to add pdf support to tasks Jr

  1. Introduction
  2. Presentation
  3. Beginning
  4. The front controller
  5. PDF generation class
  6. Conclusion

I recently hlooked for a free tool to manage a todo list. As I have a LAMPP server at home, I obviously looked for a php-mysql solution that can manage hierarchy or tasks. After som times hanging around, i found what was the closest to my need: tarsks-jr that can be downloaded here

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Installation was quite easy, and it is really user-friendly, but 2 features are missing for this free version:

  • multi-user access
  • pdf export (I'm not even sure it is available in the charging verion)

As I had to exchange my task list with customers in a read-only way, I decided to write a pdf export plugin for tasks.
well, in fact, application is not designed for plugins, so as I can't just give you a zip file, I'll explain what I did. Let's start.

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Well, software achitecture is easy to understand, you've got a frontend page that creates the menu and dispatches requests.

Considering this, first task is obviously to add a menu entry for PDF export, so I inserted this at line 253:

<?php $uri = 'export_pdf.php'.($screen=='focus' ? '?screen=focus&root='.(int)$_GET['root'] : '') ?>
<div class="menuHR"><img src="images/clear.gif" height="1" width="1"></div>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" class="hand" onclick="'<?php echo $uri; ?>');" title="export pdf">
  <td width="16"><img src="images/icon_pdf.png" width="16" height="16"></td>
  <td><span class="menuText">export pdf</span></td>

I know this is dirty and non standard complyant, but the whole application is coded this way, so I addapted my coding style.

So, I just added a link that open in a new window and open the export_pdf.php page.
the $uri variable is used to be able to select only a task and its subtasks to export as pdf.

Now, to have everything work fine, let's create our export_pdf.php file, and leave it empty. As we are creating files, let's add a library file that we'll call pdf_functions.php.

We're now ready to start real work !

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As we want to be able to create several type of PDF files (all tasks and subtasks view and a single task and its sub tasks), we need to implement a front controller. I decided to do it the same way as the initial one was made: quick and dirty.

first, let's include libraries:

ini_set('short_open_tag', '1');

// suppress Notice messages

$timer = microtime(); // start page timer

// make config changes in "config.php"

// includes
ob_start(); // hack to keep some weird char? from starting output in spanish.php

// set page variables
$page = new page;
$task = new task;


// session
if (!empty($_REQUEST["home_sort_order"])) {
 $_SESSION["home_sort_order"] = $_REQUEST["home_sort_order"];
if (empty($_SESSION["mode"])) {
 $_SESSION["mode"] = "standard";
if (!isset($_SESSION["messages"])) {
 $_SESSION["messages"] = array();

$debug = 0;         // set to 1 to display debug messages
$current_page = "index.php?current_page=1"; // initialize string
$reload_task = 1;        // when this gets set to 0, it stops the save from happening

// not mobile? we'll use the standard interface
$_SESSION["mode"] = "standard";

if ($debug == 1) {

I just copied the code from the original index.php and added our library. By the way, I set the error level to E_ALL for debugging.

Now, we're ready for the PDF generation.

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I'm using FPDF library to create the document.
To install it, just download the library from the website and copy font folder and fpdf.php to a folder you name fpdf.

As told in the library manual, I extended original class to add my own generation functions. As documentation is included I give the code as is, without more explanations, you just have to know that the function used from front controller is called printTask.


class tasksPDF extends FPDF{
  * the task level
 private $level=0;
  * the subtask offset width for rendering
 private $offset = 5;
  * headers numbers
 private $numbers = array(0);
  * automatically calculates the cell height from the fontsize
 function AutoCell($w, $text, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false)
  $this->MultiCell($w, $this->FontSize+2, $text, $border, $align, $fill);
 function MarginCell($text, $border=0, $align='J', $fill=false)
   $this->Cell(($this->level-1)*$this->offset, $this->FontSize+2, '', 0, 0);
   $this->Cell($this->offset, $this->FontSize+2, '', '', 0);
  $this->AutoCell(0,$text, $border, $align, $fill);
 function printTask($task, $show_completed_tasks = 0, $levels = 0)
  //increase the task number
  //prepare for title
  $y = $this->GetY();
  $this->MarginCell('    '.implode($this->numbers, '.').' '.$task->title, 'TLR', 'L',true);
  $this->Image('images/icon_priority_'.$task->priority.'.gif', $this->level*$this->offset + $this->lMargin + 1, $y+1, 4,4);
  //insert body text
  $this->MarginCell($task->notes, 'LR');
  //get childrens according to configuration
  if ($show_completed_tasks == 1) {
   $displayed_children = $task->children;
  else {
   $displayed_children = $task->open_children;
  // if some, then insert linebreak
   $y = $this->GetY();
   $this->Cell(0,2,' ','R',2);
   if($y>$this->GetY()) $y = $this->tMargin;
   $this->Line($this->level * $this->offset + $this->lMargin, $y, $this->level*$this->offset + $this->lMargin, $this->GetY());
  // let's go for childrens
  $this->level++;     // level up (identation up ;) )
  array_push($this->numbers, 0); // prepare numerotation
  foreach($displayed_children as $child)
   //get actual position
   $y = $this->GetY();
   //get the task
   $child_task = new task;
   $this->printTask($child_task, $show_completed_tasks);
   // did we reach the end of page ?
   if($y>$this->GetY()) $y = $this->tMargin;
   //draw vertical line to act as a box
   $this->Line(($this->level-1) * $this->offset + $this->lMargin, $y, ($this->level-1)*$this->offset + $this->lMargin, $this->GetY());
  // back to normal
  //back to previous numerotation
  //if childrens displayed, then a line break
   $y = $this->GetY();
   //close the last box
   $this->Line( ($this->level + 1) * $this->offset + $this->lMargin, $y, $this->w - $this->rMargin, $y);
   //add a blank line
   $this->Cell(0,2,' ','R',2);
   // did we reach the end of the page ?
   if($y>$this->GetY()) $y = $this->tMargin;
   $this->Line($this->level * $this->offset + $this->lMargin, $y, $this->level*$this->offset + $this->lMargin, $this->GetY());
  // close the box
  $this->Line($this->level * $this->offset + $this->lMargin, $this->GetY(), $this->w - $this->rMargin, $this->GetY());

This is not very complete, but in the actual state, it feets my needs... I let you adapt this code for your need.

Now we've got everything, let's finish our front controller by adding following code at the end:

<?php // for syntax higlight, when copying to the end of the front controller you don't need it
$PDF = new tasksPDF();

switch ($screen) {
 case "home":
  $PDF->setTitle('PDF export of all tasks');
  foreach ($tasks as $temp) {
   $task = new task;
   $PDF->printTask($task, $page->check_flag("show_completed_tasks"));
 case "focus":
  $PDF->setTitle('PDF export of task: '+$task->title);
  $PDF->AutoCell(0,"Project: ".$task->title, 0, 'C');
  //only show subtasks
  $show_completed_tasks = $page->check_flag("show_completed_tasks");
  if ($show_completed_tasks == 1) {
   $displayed_children = $task->children;
  else {
   $displayed_children = $task->open_children;
  foreach($displayed_children as $child)
   $child_task = new task;
   $PDF->printTask($child_task, $show_completed_tasks);
  die('unknown action !');

header("Content-Type: application/pdf; charset=".$language->charset);

you can customize it as you want, it is very easy and

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Unlike usual, this article isn't very detailed, but it's late, and this blog is about javascript, not php ;)
I hope it gonna be usefull for somebody, and at least it allowed me to learn the FPDF great library !

That's all folk !

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